SANGROVE has developed a responsible and engaging commerce platform for consumer brands called IMPACT SHOPPING. Our platform inspires customers to cooperate with their favorite brands to ensure that the most desirable products are produced at the most appropriate prices and quantities. IMPACT enables fashion, sports lifestyle, beauty and other design driven industries to more effectively manage product development, inventory and pricing. By leveraging pre-sale commitments and limited edition production guarantees we are able to ensure zero waste, improved operating margins and inventories for our partners. We have reinvented pre-sell user experiences into a new proprietary platform, connecting brands with ESG conscious consumers, while dynamically planning manufacturing for superior customer relationships, product fit, brand differentiation and ESG compliance.

Sangrove aims to minimize the environmental impact of overproduction while more effectively engaging loyal customers into branded new product developments. Our digital platform can plug into existing e-commerce and logistics systems and create a social commerce driven ecosystem for brands, retailers, consumers and manufacturers. We support brands to efficiently produce and deliver new products made-to-order, aligning production with actual demand, eliminating the guesswork as well as costs of excess, unsold inventory.

You can’t be truly sustainable unless you stop producing products that the world doesn’t need or want. Collaborating with your loyal customers to create the best possible new products is better than marketing deep discounts and over extended product portfolios.

Demand Driven Supply

Sangrove is working to change shopping habits – from impulse to #Impact – focusing on preempting waste of unsold goods and saving natural resources. The impact that we make collectively – as consumers and brands – is measured, stored, and recorded.

All of us at Sangrove are thrilled that eco-friendly brands are embracing this new buying pattern and putting their weight behind ensuring the Sangrove model of selling becomes the new norm.