
Manufacturing facilities usually can not interact with consumers. Product development and production planning are internal discussions that are informed by financial considerations, market research and trend analysis. IMPACT SHOPPING was created to effectively enable collaborations between Consumers, Brands and Manufacturing. By enabling consumers to advanced purchasing potential products with a full understanding of minimum order requirements and delivery times we are able to establish a new healthier relationship between consumer preferences, brand value and manufacturing process.

By coordinating and aggregating consumer demand with available supply we help our clients produce desirable products with minimal overproduction, limited returns and increased full price revenues. Consumers are encouraged to advanced purchasing and promote desired products to their communities to ensure that the products they really want reach the required unit sales to trigger production. By guaranteeing quality and volumes prior to manufacturing we will be able to deliver “Zero Waste”, Limited Edition Value and Product Preference Driven Brand Communities.

IMPACT SHOPPING enables your manufacturing partners and facilities to effectively deliver to your customers preferences enabling the best possible products at the most appropriate prices. Demand driven supply collaboration across shopping and digital channels will allow a contagious “win-win” relationship between profitable businesses, satisfied customers and a healthier planet.

Manufacturer advantages:

  • Improved lead times and resource planning effectiveness
  • Increased quality controls and inventory management
  • Reduced staff and materials waste
  • Direct Feedback for experimentation with new product designs
  • Better customer understanding of product and design quality

Coordinated Manufacturing Makes Happier Customers and a Healthier Planet

Learn more about our IMPACT SHOPPING platform and capabilites by filling out the form below and allowing us to schedule a presentation.