
Finding products you really want at prices you can afford that also help save our planet is very difficult to achieve. Consumers are constantly balancing their desires for joy and satisfaction with financial and environmental responsibilities. IMPACT SHOPPING was developed to help shoppers work with brands to define the best possible products at the most attractive prices and then intelligently match demand with supply for these super products to ensure “Zero Waste”. By working together companies and consumers can respect each other needs while reducing overproduction.

IMPACT SHOPPING is integrated into the digital commerce platforms of brands and allows consumers to advanced purchasing desirable products from a range of options.  This collaborative social commerce tool allows consumers to help brands determine the most appropriate products, prices and unit volumes allowing for the high levels of customer satisfaction and operating profit margins. Consumers are rewarded for recruiting other shoppers to select the products they prefer so that minimum order requirements can be fulfilled and products manufactured.

Each successful IMPACT SHOPPING product launch enhances customer loyalty, consumer preference data, unique brand communities and establishes a collaborative bond with shoppers that is good for your business and ESG status. Fixed production volumes based on advanced purchasing creates exclusive limited editions for consumers to celebrate and reduces destructive discounts and costly product returns.

  • Stop Consuming and Start Collaborating
  • Reduce Discounts and Over Production
  • Coordinated Demand for Responsible Supply
  • Loyal Customers Want Caring Social Brands

Brands and Shoppers intelligently working together to create better products for a better planet